Dia da Criança
A maravilhosa ilustração é da Maria João Arnaud, que a fez de propósito para a ocasião! Estes sacos estão disponíveis na Fermento por 4,50€, a partir de hoje, mas até sábado são oferta para quem faça compras superiores a 25€. Aproveitem...
E para além desta ilustração, a Maria João trouxe-nos Kidos novos, que foram direitinhos para a montra fazer uma festa, a flutuar sobre balões!

Vai um mergulhito?
Childrens’ Day
Here it is, Children’s Day! And with it came the first exclusive bag made by Fermento, in association with Wise Up. What do you think?
The beautiful drawing is from Maria João Arnaud, made especially for the occasion! The bags are available on Fermento for 4,50€, but from today until Saturday you can get it for free if you shop over 25€!
And besides the drawing she brought us her fabulous dolls “Kidos”, that went straight to a balloon party at the window!
The real party for the kids it’s on Saturday. Don’t forget we have free workshops for kids, from 11H00 to 18H00, they can came and paint on the walls, make their own badge or a colourful piece of jewellery. And there will be one or two surprises… To get things started, we’ve made a swimming pool in the shop! We even have waves… Wanna go for a swim?